Jaunieti, ja Tevi interesē sociālie tīkli, Tava ikdiena paiet “postojot”, “laikojot” un “šērojot” dažādas lietas, tad šis projekts būs tieši Tev!
KAS? Jauniešu apmaiņas projekts „Digital Me”
KUR un KAD? Latvijā (Ogres novadā un Rīgā), 01.10.2017. – 08.10.2017.
Ja esi jaunietis 18-25 gadu vecumā, tad piesakies līdz 17.09.2017., aizpildot pieteikuma anketu !!
“Digital Me” ir projekts, kurā tu atklāsi daudz un noderīgas lietas par sociālajiem tīkliem un medijiem, kā arī par lietotnēm un rīkiem, kuri būs noderīgi gan ikdienā, gan karjerā, kā arī iepazīsi jauniešus no Itālijas, Maķedonijas, Polijas, Lietuvas un Latvijas.

Projekts “Digital Me” (projekta Nr. 2017-1-LV02-KA105-001548) tiek īstenots programmas Erasmus+ ietvaros, projektu finansiāli atbalsta Eiropas Komisija.
Apply for youth exchange “Digital Me” – https://goo.gl/forms/HyZWpFuLRzwm9Ieu2 !!

01. – 08.10.2017. foundation „Baltic Regional fund” will organize youth exchange project „DIGITAL ME”, which will take place in Ogre region and Riga, Latvia and where will participate 31 participants, 5 youngsters and youth leader from each country – Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Italy and Macedonia.
Project “DIGITAL ME” aim is to update and promote reflection on personal and professional competence development opportunities offered by the social networks and digital tools and potential risks and the consequences of using them wrong or do not know how to use them.
Through non-formal methods and by using different digital tools, in this project will be developed youth literacy in a digital tools and social networking and media to raise young people’s personal and professional skills and promote their integration into the labor market. In this youth exchange will be updated information about safety and accountability on the Internet, developed the ability to critically evaluate information provided in the public space, will improve the knowledge of their own self-image creation in social networks, to aware understanding about importance of information, which youth are publishing and its impact on their private and professional life.
Youth will develop their personal and professional competence, which will be important knowledge in daily life for themselves, as well as other youngsters with whom they will share their experience and knowledge. Within the project youth will share a personal experience and knowledge about the digital tools and will discuss the available possibilities for youth in a digital world.
Project “DIGITL ME” (Nr. 2017-1-LV02-KA105-001548) is financed by EU program Erasmus+.