Baltijas Reģionālais fonds aicina pieteikties brīvprātīgos no Eiropas valstīm, kas vēlas piedalīties Erasmus+ Eiropas brīvprātīga darba projektā un 12 mēnešus pavadīt Latvijā, veicot brīvprātīgo darbu Baltijas Reģionālajā fonda un jauniešu studijā “BaMbuss”! Brīvprātīgie tiek izvēlēti pirms projekta iesniegšanas un tas tiks iesniegts 2017. gada oktobra iesniegšanas termiņā.
Vairāk informācijas publikācijā angliski.

We ,Baltic Regional funds, are looking for volunteers from European countries interested to take part in our 12 months EVS project that will take place in the capital city of Latvia, Riga. This project will be submitted with our selected participants for October deadline who will be chosen during Open Call.
Volunteers will participate in different activities of Baltic Regional funds ( ) and Youth Studio „BaMbuss” (
Baltic Regional funds is a non-governmental organization. It was born in Riga, but Europe is its home. BRF’s energetic team organises activities all around Latvia and participates in many projects on European level. The organisation works with people from different age, education, social status and cultural background. BaMbuss Youth Studio is an initiative of BRF. It is a special place for youngsters, where they can develop social, artistic and professional skills.
BRF’s main goal is to promote all sorts of non-formal education, lifelong learning programs and most importantly intercultural dialogue. Tolerance and understanding between European citizens as well as mutual respect is the way to move forward in an united Europe. The organization strongly emphasizes on gender equality and social inclusion. BFR believes in the power of civic society and NGO participation in the policy making.
Volunteers will actively be involved in all foundation activities and will learn new skills, gain new experiences, will expand their horizons, get awareness of European citizenship, get to know different cultures throught participating in various events and activities, information campaigns in schools, participating in youth projects and charities activities with young people and youth organizations from all Latvia.
General information about Latvia you can find in the following link:
VOLUNTEER PROFILE – In age from 18 till 30, able to communicate in English, which will be working language. We are open to all volunteers, however, qualities that we consider to be necessary and advisable for volunteers are – communicative, creativity, positivity, ability to work in a team, as well as independently assume their responsibilities, to participate in decision-making processes by adding their own ideas and suggestions to improve organization’s activities.
We would prefer you to be interested in communication, photography, editing and filming videos, social networks, organizing events and leading some workshops for youngsters in our youth studio and leading your native language clubs. We don’t ask you to have specific knowledge in these topics, but you should have desire and get ready to learn doing all those things.
If you are interested, please send us your Motivation letter and CV to till 22.08.2017!