From 1st till 6th of May Baltic Regional fund representives Liga Silina and Dana Rudusane participated in training course „Quality & Quantity in EVS, the role of the promoters” wich took place in beautiful city – Mulhouse in France. TC gathered together EVS promoters, youth workers, administrators or project managers and persons involved in EVS project implementation – 18 people from 8 countries – Latvia, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Romania and Italy.

Training Course activities took place at the University Campus “La Fonderie”. In our very first session we had team building and getting to know each other activities, then we continued with EVS history and introduction with non-formal learning. Day two we started with little conference and meeting with local autorithies from NGO’s, Natiocal Agency and media. Afterwards we were discussing about our role in EVS, our experience and EVS impact in general.
Future days of training we spent with active discusion about EVS management and time, budget and conflict management.

Participation in these trainings enables us to raise a discussion about the issue of a better EVS management, based on exchange of experiences and good practices. We had opportunity find out specificities of different organisations, with a different geographical territory and a community of citizens and to improve the benefit that may bring the inclusion of EVS volunteers in our respective projects.
More information and photos form project you can find in Project group , some memories from project can watch in this video.

This project was implemented in program Erasmus+ and funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Information is prepared by Liga Silina and Dana Rudusane