ICYE Switzerland has 14 EVS hosting mobilities in 9 different organizations and now is searching for 14 motivated volunteers! They offer hosting projects in three domains:
Ecological projects (Synergy Village, L’ancienne Gare du Creux-des-Biches)
Cultural projects (LivrEchange, Ton sur Ton)
Social projects (KIM-Jugendland, Mère Sofia, Blindspot, la Ferme du Bonheur, ICYE Switzerland)
Find out documents with the descriptions of the different projects and their requirements with this link: https://saite.lv/UlXVs
!The application deadline for all these hosting organizations is 25th October 2020!
Application process: Participants interested in one of these projects should fill in the application form and send it to: adelie.clement@icye.ch. Please DOWNLOAD the application form here: https://saite.lv/QEq5U
The application form, the project descriptions as well as other information are also available on the website: https://www.icye.ch/de/freiwilligenarbeit-ausland/programme/europaeischer-freiwilligendienst/european-voluntary-service.
Important: It is possible to apply for more than one position but it is required to fill one application form for each position.
Organizations are really looking forward to hosting motivated volunteers in Switzerland!