

About brfonds

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So far brfonds has created 259 blog entries.

Online diskusija “Tu vari…”

2020-11-17T14:26:26+00:00 November 17th, 2020|Jaunumi|

Diskusija "Tu vari..." ir iedvesmojošs projekts, kura ietvaros 23.11.2020. 18:00 tiek organizēta diskusija, kurā piedalās trīs dažādu jomu pārstāvji: - Mārtiņš Staķis, Rīgas mērs un uzņēmējs; - Kārlis Bardelis, ceļotājs, kurš airu laivā šķērsojis Kluso okeānu; - Rihards Ošenieks, jaunais dzejnieks. Visi trīs runātāji apvienosies vienā diskusijā, lai, daloties ar savu pieredzi, atbildētu uz jautājumiem [...]

Timo 8 months

2020-11-16T13:55:36+00:00 November 16th, 2020|Jaunumi|

Labdien, mani draugi! ☺ It’s me, Timo and one thing are very clear to me these days: Time flies, and it often feels like I’m in a fight against it. More than eight months passed since I came to Latvia, and even though with the virus the situation today feels quite similar to the one [...]

Volunteer Exchange

2020-11-09T14:45:17+00:00 November 9th, 2020|Jaunumi|

The “Volunteer Exchange Latvia” took place between October 5 and October 23 in Rīga, Ventspils, Rūjiena and Aizpute. Pairs of two randomly assigned volunteers worked together in the first city and organization in the first week, and then together in the second city and organization. The goal of the project was to promote and increase [...]

Online Koncerts

2020-11-03T14:46:29+00:00 November 3rd, 2020|Jaunumi|

Hello lovely people! The festivals and concerts of summer happened quite long ago, the online concerts we did in the lockdown even longer, so it’s time to play some music again! We will make an online livestream from BaMbuss on Sunday, 15th of november from 15:00 - 17:30. A beautiful mess: Ovi (LT), Jakob (FR) [...]

Radošs konkurss Latvijas jauniešiem “Pamani Pilsētu”

2020-11-24T22:00:33+00:00 October 15th, 2020|Jaunumi, Uncategorized|

Ir izsludināts konkurss “Pamani Pilsētu”, kurā jaunieši no visas Latvijas var attīstīt savu radošumu un iepazīt pilsētvidi no jauna skatu punkta. Lai piedalītos konkursā, jaunietim ir jāuzņem fotogrāfija, kurā attēlota ielu māksla kādā no Latvijas pilsētām un jāizveido neliels apraksts. Konkursa darbu iesniegšanas termiņš ir līdz 25.10.2020.   Konkursa mērķis ir veicināt jauniešu radošumu un [...]

2 months volunteering in Finland!

2020-11-03T14:41:49+00:00 October 8th, 2020|Jaunumi|

CANCELED What? European Solidarity Corps project “ELF Around" When? November 1 - December 15, 2020 Where? Kokkola, Finland Who? Youngsters aged between 18 and 30 years. What? Elf Around is a volunteering team project that gathers 18 persons from around Europe to Kokkola 1.11.-15.12.2020. (1.11 and 15.12 traveling days). During the project, the volunteers help [...]

14 EVS vacancies

2020-10-07T15:35:09+00:00 October 7th, 2020|Jaunumi|

ICYE Switzerland has 14 EVS hosting mobilities in 9 different organizations and now is searching for 14 motivated volunteers! They offer hosting projects in three domains: Ecological projects (Synergy Village, L’ancienne Gare du Creux-des-Biches) Cultural projects (LivrEchange, Ton sur Ton) Social projects (KIM-Jugendland, Mère Sofia, Blindspot, la Ferme du Bonheur, ICYE Switzerland)   Find out [...]

Movie Nights

2020-10-01T13:54:20+00:00 October 1st, 2020|Jaunumi|

Ko mēs zinām par mākslu? Tas ir nemainīgs jautājums. Tas apšauba ne tikai māksliniekus, bet arī auditoriju un sabiedrību. No visām mākslas formām visvairāk jautājumi rodas tieši par kino. Tāpēc Jakobs (franču brīvprātīgais Ventspilī) un Anya (brīvprātīgais BaMbuss), aicina jūs uz 2 filmu vakariem pie mums studijā - dažādas tēmas, dažādas filmas, kas rosina jautājumus. [...]

Jaunieši varēs uzlabot savas prasmes mācībās “Efektīva komunikācija”

2020-09-25T19:38:48+00:00 September 25th, 2020|Jaunumi, Uncategorized|

No 16. līdz 18. oktobrim jauniešu studijā “BaMbuss”, Rīgā notiks trīs dienu mācības “Efektīva komunikācija”, kurās jaunieši varēs uzlabot savas  prasmes efektīvi komunicēt gan tiešsaistē, gan reālajā dzīvē. Mācībām aicināti pieteikties jaunieši, vecumā no 13 – 20 gadiem, kas vēlas uzlabot savas  prasmes efektīvi komunicēt gan tiešsaistē, gan reālajā dzīvē. Pieteikšanās līdz 11.oktobrim ! [...]

International opportunities evening

2020-09-22T14:13:03+00:00 September 22nd, 2020|Jaunumi|

---ENG--- We were always talking and will be talking a lot about Erasmus+ and ESC programs, but on September 28, 18:00 2020 in "BaMbuss" we will be discussing International opportunities and projects that are NOT financed by the EU. Our speakers will tell you about opportunities like AIESEC, AuPair, WYF and Students weeks in Europe [...]

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.